Tag Archives: Whole House Water Filtration

Whole House Water Filtration

Whole House Water Filtration

It may seem overwhelming to purchase a housewide water filter. You’re investing in your wellbeing and you want to make sure it’s a smart one. How many times have you been thinking about getting an entire house filter just to get trapped with questions and doubts?

And what’s going on? Nothing. Nothing! That’s good. You end up doing nothing because you are unable to answer your questions. It’s certainly not your fault.

We have you covered this time. Here are the three little-known things about house filters that you need to know about. Get your questions answered and get you on your way.

Let’s start with some basics quickly–what’s an entire house system and why you need one.

What is a Whole House Water Filtration?

There is an entire house water filter installed where your main waterway enters your house. Your entire house system will provide filtered water to all your taps and appliances, including your hot water heater, by installing it at the entry point.

Some people wonder if for every hot water heater they need to buy a whole house filter. The response is no. Even if you have multiple hot water heaters, multiple entire house filter systems are not required.

Unlike drinking water filters, entire household water filter systems come in a variety of filter media like wood, reverse osmosis, and advanced filter technology of the next decade.

Similar to the others, carbon-based entire house filter systems are the most economical to buy and maintain. Most carbon-based entire house filters are less than $800 and will last for at least 300,000 gallons before removing the main tank. An average family of four uses around 100,000 gallons of water every year as a reference point.

A three-stage filter system, including pre-filter to remove sediment, rust, and other large contaminants, is used by the most effective carbon entire house filters.

A mixture of copper-zinc designed to remove chlorine, lead, mercury, nickel, and other dissolved metals.

Carbon / activated carbon filter which eliminates harmful organic compounds (such as VOCs).

Full house filters are also available for reverse osmosis (RO). Whole house RO systems are generally more efficient than carbon-based systems in removing pollutants.

Whole House Water Filtration

The improved removal of contaminants comes at a price, unfortunately. Usually, RO systems run over $4,000 for the entire house, require large water storage tanks up to 300 gallons and are fairly expensive to maintain.

Such devices can generate large amounts of sewage and also extract beneficial minerals from your water. The downside is that at your taps you won’t need separate drinking water filters (more on this later).

Full house filters of the next-generation technology are a third option. Next-generation entire house filters surpass the performance of carbon filters and can be as effective as low-cost RO systems without wasting water and without extracting beneficial minerals.

Aquasana is a popular Whole House Water Filter is one example of an entire house filter using the software for the next decade.

As an additional benefit, all these house filters tend to require a smaller footprint than the entire house RO and carbon systems, so you can keep parking your car in the garage.