Monthly Archives: June 2019

Septic Tank Types

Here’s What You Need to Know Before Installation
Knowing what type of septic tank you have at home is crucial not only for troubleshooting but most especially, for maintenance purposes. Whether you’re building a new home, a new business, or moving to a new location, identifying what kind of septic system will prove to be worthwhile in the long run considering that with each system is a distinct feature that indicates the peculiarities of each. Each type also comes with advantages and disadvantages that will help you during the installation, repair, and replacement process.

Concrete Septic Tank

This type of septic tank is pretty durable and can even last for more than a decade so long as it’s taken care of regularly. However, if the concrete used isn’t high quality, the tendency for the septic tank is to crack or separate without any warning. This can also occur if no regular maintenance is made. Once there are cracks on the septic tank, wastewater can either seep through the crack or groundwater may also get into the tank. When the tank becomes clogged with waste, the entire septic system may start to malfunction. The only way to check if there are problems with the concrete septic tank is to thoroughly inspect it.

Aerobic Septic Tank

Although this type of septic tank is relatively costlier than its other counterparts, you can actually save a lot of money in the long run. When it comes to efficiency, the aerobic septic tank is highly optimized leading to a longer lifespan in the long run. True to its name, this type of tank utilizes oxygen in treating waste materials referred to as effluent. This tank is usually the first in line when you need to replace your old septic tank. With higher efficiency comes a more intensive maintenance that needs to be scheduled religiously. Since the aerobic septic tank uses electricity and energy for the decomposition process, the likelihood of a mishap is also increased. The key here is to create a consistent maintenance schedule to avoid any issue in the future.

Plastic Septic Tank

If you’re in the lookout for a durable septic tank that could withstand rusting and corroding, then the plastic or fiberglass septic tank will do wonders for your needs. Though this type of tank is pretty much reliable, there are quite a few problems that you need to look out for in the long run. Damages caused by chemical substances are pretty non-existent for plastic septic tanks. However, structural damage is another story. To make sure that the plastic septic tank will last longer, you need to have it carefully and thoroughly installed. Otherwise, you’ll just be spending money on another replacement anytime soon. Heavy vehicles for instance should not be used to drive over the tank as this could break the pipes and the tank itself along the way.

Steel Septic Tank

This type of septic tank is not that durable nor popular among many home and business owners in the country. It is basically designed to last less than two decades so if you have one at home, expect a replacement within a few years or so. Steel is easily corroded, too so if you see rusty top covers, don’t be surprised. The good thing is that you can actually replace the cover without replacing the whole tank at the moment. You may need to keep a closer look and check for any corroded points every now and then.

There are quite a few choices for septic tanks, and you might become baffled when you’re faced with selecting one. With the help of a professional though, it won’t be hard. So long as you keep your septic system regularly maintained, you can actually benefit from it for a longer time.